5 Signs That You Should Repair the Ductless Air Conditioning


Ductless air conditioning is essential to the comfort of the home. Having the system in poor health can be miserable for the homeowners and other family members too, especially when the service of the unit is more needed. If you find your air conditioning unit acting crazy, call in an HVAC expert right away. A timely repair can protect the unit from serious damage, keeping repair costs pretty low. Here are a few signs that tell you that your unit requires immediate attention:

Unresponsive Ductless Air Conditioner Controls:

If a mini-split air conditioner does not turn on or off or respond to the controls, it's most likely due to an electrical issue or some issue with the reversing valve. Opt for professional service for ductless air conditioning repair in Queens.

Exorbitant Electric bills in Queens and Brooklyn:

Usually, a ductless air conditioning lasts 12 to 15 years. With time, HVAC systems tend to lose efficiency. If your new system experiences high energy consumption, it's likely from dirty equipment or a clogged air filter or short-cycling or malfunctioning components.

When you see a significant increase in the cost of your utility bills, contact an HVAC specialist.

Reduction in Mini-Split AC Cooling Output:

A lack of cool air might be a sign of a refrigerant leak. Once all of the refrigerant has been drained from the system, the air handler will only function as a fan. Over time, refrigerant leaks out slowly, resulting in a steady reduction in cooling capability.

Grinding Noise Coming from an Indoor Unit:

Grinding noises generally indicate that the lubricated bearings that reduce motor friction have worn out. If you ignore the sounds, the air handler motor may overheat and burn out.

Ice Formation on Your Outdoor Unit's Cooling Coils:

The evaporator coils might freeze over if the air flow is reduced. This might be caused by a filthy coil, a clogged air filter, a damaged fan, a faulty thermostat, or a refrigerant leak. If neglected, the weight of the ice might deform the cooling coil, requiring a total coil replacement.

Professional help is required for mini-split AC repairs. Call in an expert now to learn more about how tune-ups may prevent most of these issues, or to arrange ductless air conditioning repair in Brooklyn.

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